Would you like to know what are the benefits of digitalizing your business and how to do it? We have prepared a list of 11 important questions about digital transformation and their answers to get you started.
(more…)The hardest part of starting up is starting out
Uber, an American tech company that enables customers to call, track, and pay for a car using the Uber app, exemplifies how the aforementioned adapt-or-die phenomenon is changing entire industries. Traditional taxis, which are called curbside are ordered via telephone, still require cash or card payment. Uber, on the other hand, is an easy-to-use online platform that connects drivers and riders. It’s digital business model not only offers cheaper rides, it also provides a very convenient user experience and has proven very easy to scale, which explains how Uber, created in 2009, has grown into a $6.2 billion company in just 8 years. Today the company serves in over half a thousand cities across the world. (more…)