Take Out The Middle Man!

Did you know that crowd funding on a site like Gofundme.com will take 5% of every donation that you receive? Don’t worry, there’s a new sheriff in town. Smart Contracts are the new way to crowd source for fundraising that makes sure you get the full amount donated, without the middle man. The Smart Contract uses embedded code to create a reliable place for money to be stored until all parameters are accomplished.


Opportunities of Blockchain

You have probably heard of blockchains. The technique, strongly connected to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, is currently among the biggest trends in the tech industry. But what is a blockchain and how can it be used?

A blockchain is basically a growing list of blocks of data, where each block is connected to the previous one, using hash values. Blockchains are mainly used in peer-to-peer networks as a distributed, shared write-once-read-many database. Each active participant in the network stores a copy of the blockchain for reasons of availability and security. (more…)